First set the start and end snapshot ID as variables.
Use this script if you want;
To get a general idea of where the majority of WAITS's occur,
run the following SQL statement to view the counts of wait classes
in descending order;
select d.wait_class_id as Wait_Class_ID
,d.wait_class as Wait_Class
,count(*) as Cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history d
where d.nap_id between :p_Start_Snap_ID and :p_End_Snap_ID
group by d.wait_class_id
order by 3 desc;
Next, List a breakdown of Events per Wait class identified
in the previous result set;
select d.wait_class_id as Wait_Class_id
,d.wait_class as Wait_Class_Name
,e.Name as Event_Name
,count(*) as Cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history d
,v$Event_Name e
where d.snap_id between :p_Start_Snap_ID and :p_End_Snap_ID
and d.Event_ID = e.Event_ID
group by d.wait_class_id
order by 4 desc;
Now attempt to identify which users are responsible for the
waits (broken down per event type).
select d.wait_class_id as Wait_Class_ID
,d.wait_class as Wait_Class_Name
,u.Username as User_Name
,e.Name as Event_Name
,count(*) as Cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history d
,v$Event_Name e
,all_users u
where d.snap_id between :p_Start_Snap_ID and :p_End_Snap_ID
and d.Event_ID = e.Event_ID
and d.User_id = u.User_ID
group by u.Username
order by 4, 5 desc;
You may want to exclude WAITS's for SYS and focus only on the
application specific schemas, in which case, add
the additional predicate "u.Username != 'SYS'"
Also, you would probably want to exclude SQL*Net related WAIT's,
therefore add "e.Name not like 'SQL*Net%'" as a predicate.
select d.wait_class as Wait_Class_Name
,u.Username as User_Name
,e.Name as Event_Name
,count(*) as Cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history d
,v$Event_Name e
,all_users u
where d.snap_id between :p_Start_Snap_ID and :p_End_Snap_ID
and d.Event_ID = e.Event_ID
and d.User_id = u.User_ID
and u.Username != 'SYS'
and e.Name not like 'SQL*Net%'
group by u.Username
order by 4, 5 desc;
To drill down on hot blocks, the WAIT class to target would be;
"User I/O".
Therefore add an additional predicate;
"d.Wait_Class like 'User I/O'".
select d.wait_class as Wait_Class_Name
,u.Username as User_Name
,e.Name as Event_Name
,count(*) as Cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history d
,v$Event_Name e
,all_users u
where d.snap_id between :p_Start_Snap_ID and :p_End_Snap_ID
and d.Event_ID = e.Event_ID
and d.User_id = u.User_ID
and u.Username != 'SYS'
and e.Name not like 'SQL*Net%'
and d.Wait_Class like 'User I/O'
group by u.Username
order by 1, 4 desc;
To drill down on which Objects the hot blocks occur in,
join to the all_Objects dictionary view.
Remove the Event Name from the grouping and select list
since we know longer want to focus on individual reasons
for the general "User I/O" (of which there are several).
select d.wait_class as Wait_Class_Name
,u.Username as User_Name
,a.Object_Name as Object_Name
,count(*) as Cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history d
,all_users u
,all_objects a
,v$Event_Name e
where d.snap_id between :p_Start_Snap_ID and :p_End_Snap_ID
and d.Event_ID = e.Event_ID
and d.User_id = u.User_ID
and u.Username != 'SYS'
and e.Name not like 'SQL*Net%'
and d.Wait_Class like 'User I/O'
and d.Current_Obj# = a.Object_ID
and a.Object_Type = 'TABLE'
group by u.Username
order by 4 desc, 2, 3;
And finally, to identify the most read ROWs relative to a Top-N
number passed in as a parameter.
select User_Name
select u.Username as User_Name
,a.Object_Name as Object_Name
,dbms_rowid.rowid_create(1, d.Current_Obj#
,d.Current_Row#) as Hot_Row_ID
,count(*) as Cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history d
,all_users u
,all_objects a
,v$Event_Name e
where d.snap_id between :p_Start_Snap_ID and :p_End_Snap_ID
and d.Event_ID = e.Event_ID
and d.User_id = u.User_ID
and u.Username != 'SYS'
and e.Name not like 'SQL*Net%'
and d.Wait_Class like 'User I/O'
and d.Current_Obj# = a.Object_ID
and a.Object_Type = 'TABLE'
group by u.Username
,dbms_rowid.rowid_create(1, d.Current_Obj#
order by 4 desc, 2
where rownum < &top_n;
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