The procedure below splits a varchar2 variable, declared
in PL/SQL, into several 4000 varchar2 chunks, which can then
be inserted into a table, since the maximum length of a
varchar2 column is 4000 characters whereas the maximum
length of a PL/SQL varchar2 variable is 32767 characters.
First create a test table;
create table xdq (str varchar2(4000), chunk_id number);
Procedure to split the string into 4000 character chunks;
create or replace procedure xdq_Ins (p_Str in varchar2) as
STR_EMPTY exception;
l_Clob clob := to_clob(p_Str); -- convert to a clob
l_Len pls_integer := dbms_lob.getlength(l_Clob); --str length
l_Chunk_Cnt pls_integer := ceil(l_Len/4000); -- number of chunks
if (l_Len < 1) then
raise STR_EMPTY;
end if;
insert into xdq
select dbms_lob.substr(l_Clob, 4000, ((level-1) * 4000) + 1)
from dual
connect by level <= l_Chunk_Cnt
when STR_EMPTY then
raise_application_error('No string to insert', -20088);
end xdq_Ins;
Now the test
SQL> begin
2 xdq_Ins(rpad('x',5001,'x'));
3 end;
4 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select length(str) str_len, chunk_id
2 from xdq;
---------- ----------
4000 1
1001 2
in PL/SQL, into several 4000 varchar2 chunks, which can then
be inserted into a table, since the maximum length of a
varchar2 column is 4000 characters whereas the maximum
length of a PL/SQL varchar2 variable is 32767 characters.
First create a test table;
create table xdq (str varchar2(4000), chunk_id number);
Procedure to split the string into 4000 character chunks;
create or replace procedure xdq_Ins (p_Str in varchar2) as
STR_EMPTY exception;
l_Clob clob := to_clob(p_Str); -- convert to a clob
l_Len pls_integer := dbms_lob.getlength(l_Clob); --str length
l_Chunk_Cnt pls_integer := ceil(l_Len/4000); -- number of chunks
if (l_Len < 1) then
raise STR_EMPTY;
end if;
insert into xdq
select dbms_lob.substr(l_Clob, 4000, ((level-1) * 4000) + 1)
from dual
connect by level <= l_Chunk_Cnt
when STR_EMPTY then
raise_application_error('No string to insert', -20088);
end xdq_Ins;
Now the test
SQL> begin
2 xdq_Ins(rpad('x',5001,'x'));
3 end;
4 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select length(str) str_len, chunk_id
2 from xdq;
---------- ----------
4000 1
1001 2
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